Tuesday, September 6, 2011

San Francisco Giants blankey

Show and tell! In my last post I mentioned a project I was working on...... A baby blanket, not just any baby blanket but a Saf Francisco Giants baby blanket, I finished it in a timely manner and it was delivered to the proud parents of one little boy by the name of Bentley. Here it is. The charts took hours to make but I got them done. I recharted everything on the computer because it was getting requests for the patterns, I have the charts (all the charts made for this project even the ones that are not used) up for sale in my etsy http://www.kmlamore.etsy.com/ use the coupon code at left to save some dough. Note that I only have the charts for sale not the layout, because I want you to come up with your own composition. Please share when you do make something.

I got alot of unsure comments when I mentioned what all I was putting on the blankey and how, apparently my judgement and taste aren't very trusted to some folks. Oh well, they all loved it when it was completed. I'm not a sports fan........at all.

Would you believe I thought the San Francisco Giants were a football team!?! I get alot of laughs from that one, but what can I say? I'M NOT A SPORTS FAN....

I've even gone so far as to assume that the Greenbay Packers were baseball. Now you know how much I know about sports. But I sure can come up with a design huh?

SF Giants baby blanket by Krystal 6 by k_lamore
SF Giants baby blanket by Krystal 6, a photo by k_lamore on Flickr.

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