Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Slow and Steady wins the race

I got my photo board done, decided to leave off the fabric I was going to glue on for my background. I may add it on later but for now I'm good with a plain white board, it is working out great for my wallets as you can see here. Pictured here is my "Blue Jax Wallet," I am selling them for $8.50 you can view the pictured wallet here
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Blue Jax Wallet
Jim did a really great job on the painting, we might add another coat later on because a little bit of it came off when he put clamps on the very edges. For now I'm not worried about that bacause that portion of the board is not visible in the area that is included in my photos. We got the board finished this weekend, went pretty quick and came out better than I was expecting. I'm slowly changing all my etsy pictures, because those first ones came out too dark.

I'll be mailing in payment for a craft fair pretty soon, then I need to get some things finished by october 15th which is the day of the craft fair. The price was really good, tables are provided. We'll see what happens. I'm going to buy some Home essentials canvas fabric at work to make a few bags to take along for the craft fair, maybe get some orders and a more steady flow to my etsy store.

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