Our store manager took sick leave in October 2011, and renewed her leave 3 times leaving our store to wonder whats going on and who will run our store and team. Our first month or so was a nightmare to put it lightly, one manager was called for jury duty which left us with Mike (Don't get me wrong, he alot of fun to work with) who sorry to say didn't really know what he was doing. Mike left the company for bigger and better things, while another manager was called for jury duty as the other was getting back. Then we got Sarah (we got her back....yah!) and boy did we ever need her, she got us all back on track. This girls younger than I am but she really knows how to run a team, sadly she also left the company for someting better. We were so sad to see her go. Now we have a manager coming in from another store a few days a week for about a month I believe. I met her for the first time yesterday, I still don't know how I feel about her. I'm going to take my time and get to know her like I did with everyone else. I mean I didn't think I was going to like Sarah when I met her and I consider her a good friend now, I felt the same about Mike. So you never know how you'll feel about someone unless you give the time.
The rules are different now, not totally bad but they are going to take a while to get used to. I mostly work the register so now when I am at the register I cannot walk away for any reason unless I have someone to take over for me. I can work on fabric and thats about it (so fabric it going to look really nice!), I can't even go down any of the isles. We just need to have a clear veiw of the register at all times, which is understandable. I'm not complaining, it is just going to be very much different. Nothing wrong with change, it's just an opportunity to do things very different from before.
Wanna hear a funny story?
Yesterday while at work I was getting a line at the register so I called for back-up, there was a mother with her 3 very young all still in carseats children. She purchased this styrofoam heart shaped wreath and after it was rang up the oldest boy who I would guess to be about 4 yrs. old took the wreath form his little sister. He then pulled said wreath over his head and discovered it was stuck. So he is standing there screaming to his mother "get it off my head!" mom says "we'll get it off when we get out to the van" the boy continued to scream and told his mother "I can't go outside like this! Take it off now, I don't want people to see me!" Needless to say everyone in the line was doing their very best to keep from laughing including my co-worker and myself. Even five minutes later when a customer opened the door you could hear the boy screaming outside. I kept thinking to myself the poor kid, but jeeze is that funny. I guess thats what happens when your mean to your little sister......
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