Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fearless Knitter 2008

I should have done this earlier, but whatever lets just pretend that it's 01-01-09. I wrote everything in my little knitting journal, just before the ball dropped. I got an e-mail from Knitting Daily they were asking knitters how they were fearless in 2008. Well I couldn't post there because for some reason I always have trouble signing in, every single time. So I wrote in my journal, then decided that maybe I should sign myself up for a blog. Here I am!

So For 2008
  1. This one I'm very proud of, I kicked off 2008 teaching a knitting class. Which opened up this new world
  2. I made my first ever mistakes on purpose, now if thats not fearless I don't know what it is
  3. I did my first double knitting - very fun!
  4. I made my first fingerless gloves
  5. Started my first hat top down
  6. made my first socks - well they were slipper socks but they still count
  7. I switched from acrylic, I don't know why I didn't do that sooner! Wool is so freakin' awesome!!
  8. I found our LYS
  9. Made my first stocking, I actually copied from another one so I had make up the pattern as I went and I also drew up the chart.
  10. Wrote my first pattern
  11. Sold my first pattern
  12. First stranded color work knitting (that was the stocking)
  13. First baby sweater
  14. I did Hat Attack! which was a very awesome experience, but my first opponent didn'y even both to make a hat.
  15. Added beads to a project for the first time

None of it was really a challenge, I mean it's all either knit or purl and everything else is just a combination of the 2. What can you lose by trying something new in your knitting. Don't be affraid to fail, take a risk. Who knows even if you make a mistake, that mistake could just become a new technique.

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