Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cooling down

The weather is getting to be so wonderful, it's making me want to play with wool. It's making me wish I had purchased my spinning wheel like 3 months ago when I had the money saved for it, but no I wanted to wait....... What happens when you wait? That money gets used up for something else. The dogs got parvo :( so I helped pay for that (with my spinning wheel money), fathers day got my man a barbeque grill (used more spinning wheel money), bought myself a laptop and a camera (thats my own fault, but you know what I needed it and I'm glad I got them both)........ The rest went to groceries and such because we have a larger household and a lazy boy who doesn't want to do anything but lounge around, eat, play video games, hang out with his friends and girlfriend (who isn't even nice and walks in our house like she owns the place - Rude much!!!)

Ok here is the wheel I wish to buy, it folds up when not in use which makes it great for traveling around ans well as those warm summer months when I probably wouldn't want to spin much. It even comes with a carrying bag. I've used this wheel before so I know how it works, and it is so smooth and just a breeze to use. I love it, I love it, I love it.

Kromski Sonata (my dream wheel)

So I want my wheel, I don't have the money to buy said wheel. So what do I do about it, I am going to have to not spend my little paycheck and save that money, go into production mode a start making more to put in my etsy store, I am going to plan a yard sale and get rid of as much as I can so I can make as much as I can for my wheel. Oh I am going to do a craft fair, splitting a space 3-ways to minimize cost (it was a great deal anyway). Finish scarves for a co-worker so she can pay me and I can pay the girl who knitting the scarves for me so I can stitch a design on them. I have my work cut out for me don't I. If I can't save enough for the Sonata I will go with the Fantasia instead, it's also a very pretty wheel but it doesn't fold. I really do need a folding wheel because space is tight. But if I need to I will go ahead and buy this wheel instead, but I really really want the Sonata.

Kromski Fantasia

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