Monday, September 26, 2011

The greatest people you will ever meet

Spinners/Fiber Artists are the kindest most generous people you will ever come across in your life. Like Davis, they are a breed all their own (Both in the best possible way). I love Davis and I love Fiber Folks. Ok so as you know I cannot buy my wheel yet, because I had to start saving for it all over again :(. I'm going to work really hard to get that money saved again, which means seriously pinching my pennies because I don't really much at my job. It's not all bad though.
I have a very awesome fiber friend (actually I have lots of stellar fiber friends) who so very kindly is going to let me barrow her wheel until I am able to buy mine. She has not yet had the opportunity to get acquainted with her wheel so she is not sure if it works or not, so we will make that discovery this coming Saturday. I am so excited! This is an awesome gift, and I will be thinking of something of something I give her in return. Hand knit socks? Hand-dyed wool for her first spinning project (I really like that idea), some hand spun yarn perhaps......... I will think of something. I really do like the idea of gifting her some fiber, so I might do that.

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